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diff --git a/docs/projects/ b/docs/projects/
index 8ca35b4..e20b422 100644
--- a/docs/projects/
+++ b/docs/projects/
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ A few days after Part 1 was finished, I entered Part 2. There were so many
things ahead of me that I decided to split it into multiple blogposts. In
Part 2.1 I learned about the stack machine and wrote a VM translator.
+### [Part 2.2](nand2tetris_2.2/)
+In nand2tetris 2.2 I built a tokenizer for a simple language, Jack.
## [SIRTET](sirtet)
![Screenshot of SIRTET mid-game](img/sirtet/sirtet.png)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e118461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/projects/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# nand2tetris, Part 2.2
+Welcome back! In Part 2.2 we are going to start writing a compiler. It
+compiles a high-level language called Jack to VM commands we saw in the
+[last chapter](../nand2tetris_2.1/). For ease of organization I decided,
+once again, to write it in Python.
+The compiler is a three-step process. In this blogpost we are writing
+the first one — a tokenizer. What does a tokenizer do?
+## Tokenizer
+Say we have a file called "Main.jack", containing only this line:
+class Main {}
+The tokenizer is going to read it, then extract meaningful elements or
+"tokens" one by one until the file is exhausted. For this file, the tokens
+will be `class`, `Main`, `{` and `}`.
+But how? I've never taken a compiler course before, so I was at a complete
+(compilete?) loss.
+I was tempted to say, "oh simple. I can just split the file and tokenize
+each element from what it looks like." But split by what? Whitespace? No,
+because you see no whitespace between the curly braces. And while you
+could traverse it char by char, efficiency is up to debate.
+<details markdown="1">
+<summary markdown="1">__I considered this a while back. Here's how I would have done it__</summary>
+Suppose I'm inside the function that reads the file char by char. I'm
+going to define a list of tokens, let's say instances of the class
+`Token`, like this:
+tokens = []
+Then I will implement method `Token.append_char(char: str)` that takes one
+character, and:
+- append it to itself if it is allowed (e.g. `e` after `someVariabl`)
+- do nothing if the character doesn't matter (e.g. a space after a paren)
+- signal its termination if the char ends the token and starts another
+ (e.g. `+` after a variable)
+- raise an error if the token is not allowed at all (e.g. `a` directly
+ after `123`)
+This way when we read a `char`, we try `tokens[-1].append_char(char)` to
+see if the last token we saw accepts it. If not we just end the previous
+token, and push the new one to the list of tokens.
+You can see how this is an efficiency disaster. So many function calls are
+unnecessary if we could just look ahead more characters at a time.
+For this very concern, I rejected this char-by-char idea in favor of
+line-by-line. The solution is, I feed the line into a function which
+extracts and returns the first complete token. Then I ask the returned
+token how many characters long it is. If it answers `n`, I remove the
+first `n` characters (and leading whitespace) from the line, then feed it
+back into the same function again. Repeat this until the line has nothing
+left, and I will get a list of tokens.
+I took advantage of certain rules in the Jack language to simplify things.
+For instance all symbols are 1 character long. No `==`, not even `<=`,
+only these:
+This means if the first character is in the list of symbols, that's gotta
+be it; we can stop looking.
+If the first character is a digit, then the token is no doubt an integer
+literal. If it is a letter or underscore, we first check if it's
+a keyword; if not it must be an identifier, e.g. class name, variable,
+And there are strings. The Jack standard specifies a string literal to be
+"zero or more non-double-quote characters surrounded by double quotes"
+(paraphrased). Easy, regex go brrr: `(".*?")`
+The `*?` signals a non-greedy search. For example, suppose we have this
+"string 1".append("string 2")
+and match it against these two regexes:
+(".*") -> "string 1.append("string 2"
+(".*?") -> "string 1"
+The second one is correct.
+<details markdown="1">
+<summary markdown="1">__What about escape sequences?__</summary>
+Canonically, Jack does not support them. A string ends whenever a double
+quote is met. I don't like it. I want escape sequences. I _need_ escape
+And thus I defined a "language extension" which is opt-in through argument
+`-E escape`. The implementation is as simple as changing the regex, but it
+took me a while to figure out.
+The regex is `("(.|\\")+?[^\\]")`. Let's take it apart:
+( ) group 1
+ " literal "
+ ( )+? group 2, one or more, non-greedy
+ . any character
+ | or
+ \\" \"
+ [^\\] any character except \
+ " literal "
+It will keep reading the line until it meets an unescaped double quote.
+Problem solved.
+When a string is done, we come back to the main tokenizer function and
+look for the next token. And this is how I tokenize the source code line
+by line.
+A small caveat. There are multiline comments in Jack that could mess
+things up if I read line by line naïvely. I have to keep a flag in the
+scope of this file so I know if I'm inside one or not.
+## Error handling
+A challenge I set for myself is to write sensible error messages.
+Something to alert the Jack programmer (who, too, is me). Therefore
+whenever I instantiate a token, I pass the current line number and the
+position of the token on that line. Whenever the tokenizer fails to
+recognize something, it will put a caret under it:
+$ cat bad.jack
+class Main {
+ hehe I don't give a shit
+$ python -m hackc bad.jack
+ hehe I don't give a shit
+ ^ Invalid token
+Caveat: it only works for indentation with spaces for now because the
+position in line is counted with respect to bytes, not columns. It _is_
+possible to change this behavior.
+## Conclusion
+The tokenizer is the first step from source code to executable programs.
+It bridges the gap between human and machine, and thus involves the most
+"stupid" intricacies. However, as soon as we get this over with, the rest
+is constructing a syntax tree from the list of tokens with regard to a few
+You can check out my code here:
+See you in part 2.3!