title: Home
## Categories
## Favorite blogposts
- The nand2tetris series where I build a computer
- [part 1](projects/nand2tetris_1.md): logic circuits
- [part 2.1](projects/nand2tetris_2.1.md): virtual stack machine
- [part 2.2](projects/nand2tetris_2.2.md): tokenizer
- part 2.3: WIP indefinitely
- Scraping lyrics, counting words and making a game out of twenty øne
piløts songs: [One tøp song](projects/one_top_song.md)
- A ROM upgrade that went shitfire prompted me to write [The most
important part of a smartphone is the OS.](random/smartphone_os.md)
- Continuously updating: [My life goals](random/life_goals.md)
## For fun
- [bongo cat](/toys/bongo) — [bongo.cat](https://bongo.cat), de-Googled,
- [emojo](/toys/emojo) — copy of
[emojo.site](https://github.com/bclindner/emojo.site) (warning: plays music)
- [one tøp song](/toys/one_top_song) — a game of words that only appear in
one twenty øne piløts song
- [< lt / gt >](/toys/ltgt) — statistics of my personal life (but you can
only see <, =, or >)