# fkfd meta Last updated 2022-01-07 ## PGP [EBD3 5396 508C 755F 3BBA 5458 F355 1C6B 01DB 77FF](https://fkfd.me/static/fkfd.asc) ## License [CC BY-NC 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) unless otherwise stated. ## Contact [Mastodon](https://mastodon.technology/@fakefred) ## Nobody builds their blog with MkDocs. What's wrong with you Tired of social media buttons and fancy animations that come at the cost of computer juice, I quit. So here you are, in a static-site blog generated with MkDocs (a documentation engine written in Python, like Sphinx). I call this "Blogumentation". Here is a list of tools that I ruled out: - [__ssg6__](https://www.romanzolotarev.com/ssg.html) — A static site generator written in shell. Extremely simple yet versatile. Sadly, it'll take forever for me to settle on a template or CSS, and, given so much privilege, I will most probably break everything. - A self-hosted pastebin. The links would be a mess, albeit short. - HTML+CSS from scratch. Same as ssg6. - Sphinx. It graduated with a `.rst` degree, but who uses rsts these days. - Hugo. I didn't want a Go environment on my machine. (Update: Joke's on me, I installed go later and wrote a bit of it. But still no.) - Hexo, Jekyll, etc: I didn't want a Node.js/Ruby environment. Keep them away. ## Debloated You will not find any of these in my blogposts, as long as I am in control: - Advertisements - Analytics - JavaScript