# My Life Goals Last updated 2022-05-17 My life sucks. That's why I constantly think about dying. Don't worry, I won't do it *right* now, but it's a prudent act to list out all the things I want to try before I do. And when I've tried them, I cross them out. These may be unrealistic but I don't give an imaginary shit. I might remove some if I please. I might, at one point, go "screw it" and abandon the list altogether. Future Me is unpredictable. There's some cross-referencing among the items, so I've added labels in __boldface__ and/or dependencies (dep) in parentheses where necessary. ## Art - Learn bass (__bass__) - Get enough vocal training to not sound terrible - Learn basic music theory - Start playing drums again (__drum__) - Join a rock band as bassist (dep: bass) or drummer (dep: drum) - Go to a twenty øne piløts concert in every album cycle (dep: us-uni) - Buy Trench (2018) on CD or cassette - Go to an IDKHOW concert (dep: us-uni) - Learn to properly rap the entirety of Car Radio ## University - Get a bachelor's degree in ECE - Get a second BS and/or MS at a US university (__us-uni__) - Publish a paper of some sort somewhere and snail mail my friends signed copies of it - Become head of tech dep't of student union ## Engineering - Get access to a machine shop, learn to use the lathe, milling machine, and electric drill - Learn to make PCBs like a professional (__pro-pcb__, dep: reflow) - Get an oscilloscope and learn to use it - Get a reflow oven and learn to use it (__reflow__) - Try more embedded development - Get a PinePhone Pro and hack it - This is gonna sound like an sponsorship but it's not. Get a Pinecil, PineTab, PinePower, PineNote and PineBuds - Make a submarine. Around 2 liters in volume, uncrewed (obviously) - Make my kid(s) a custom calculator to avoid those lame Casios, assuming they'd still use those for math 20 years later (dep: kid, pro-pcb) - Go to my high school machine shop and help out my engineering teacher and his FRC team - Host workshops about electronics (dep: pro-pcb) - Learn to make better 3D models - Learn to operate a 3D printer - Design a PCB namecard that is functional in at least one way - Document development of a project in a video - Use the V-USB library somewhere - Make a portable electronic musical instrument ## Computer - DIY a desktop computer, which conceivably will run Arch Linux and KDE - Get a proper OpenWRT router at home - Configure neovim "just the way I want" and not change it in one year - Get a secondhand ThinkPad T420 ## Travel - Visit Köln (Cologne) - Visit the Netherlands - Visit Shenzhen - Visit Taipei - Go to the beach ## Miscellaneous - Attend a convention of any kind - Observe a furry convention (but not participate) - Learn CW (a.k.a. morse code) - Get a ham radio license and buy a handheld station - Eliminate as much meat as possible from diet - Declare myself expert in at least one thing - Own a cat (probably two) - Read all books by Karl Marx - Get a semi-professional filming rig with a greenscreen and stuff - Have one or more kids (__kid__) - Get my own credit card - Install solar panels somewhere - Seek revenge on that one roommate whose gaming noise keeps me up at night - Drink tiny amount of vodka - Participate in a protest, verbal or physical - Host a technical talk on a conference - Steer employer (if any) into FOSS'ing a software project - Co-author an IETF RFC - Get a tiny tattoo - Restuff my blåhaj - Make something totally unrelated look like an electrolytic capacitor