# TA Adventures For some reason, I managed to become a TA for VG151, Accelerated Introduction to Computers and Programming. There are a few possible reasons. One of my guesses is that the professor is also a Linux user. Our course infrastructure is almost exclusively FOSS: - Video conference: Zhumu (Chinese Zoom), non-FOSS - SCM: git, FOSS - Git forge: self-hosted Gitea, FOSS - Instant messaging: self-hosted Mattermost, FOSS - Online judge: self-hosted JOJ, FOSS - Canvas, FOSS[citation needed] - MATLAB, non-FOSS - C/C++ Compiler: gcc, FOSS - Build system: GNU Make and CMake, FOSS On 2022-08-19, I received an email from the undergraduate education office (UEO) that I got the offer. Naturally I went "woo-hoo party timeeeee". Later I met my colleagues, two sophomores and one junior, plus another junior whose title is "volunteer assistant" (thanks Mack!). On 2022-09-13 the semester began with a campus lockdown due to a positive case of Covid. As a result all lectures that afternoon switched to online mode, just like the previous summer semester except now I'm at school rather than home. This sucks _ass_. This _might_ be reversed if circumstances go the good way, or it just might stay. Anyway, enjoy my compilation of blogposts on life being a TA: - [Funny shit](vg151_funny_shit)