# VG151 — Funny Shit Being a TA is mostly pain, but occasionally you get comedy as a side effect: newbie questions that make no sense, hilarious program behavior, creative approaches to a problem, you name it. Every time I see one, I'll post it here. All screenshots and conversations are anonymized. If you see yourself in this blogpost, please don't take it personally. These funny stories are TAs' primary source of amusement. Please let us have them. Oh, and the "shit" in this post's title is by no means derogatory. If you feel extremely uncomfortable with any entry below, please send email to ``. ## 2022-09-13, Lab 0 ![They are adding an SSH key but the key they entered is "ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C example@example.com"](img/vg151_funny_shit/ssh-keygen.png) This is a reenactment of a screenshot they sent me to troubleshoot. ## 2022-09-15, group chat Someone asked if the compiler they need to install was VSCode. One TA corrected them that VSCode is an IDE. Another TA corrected that TA because VSCode is technically a text editor, and Visual Studio is an example of an IDE. _slow down we'll be getting there_ ## 2022-09-22, TA group chat One of our TAs decided to get a Moss account. The [website](http://theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/moss/) says: ![](img/vg151_funny_shit/moss_example.png)

To obtain a Moss account, send a mail message to moss@moss.stanford.edu. The body of the message should appear exactly as follows:

mail username@domain

where the last bit in italics is your email address.

Well, here my colleague goes (reenactment): ![](img/vg151_funny_shit/moss_reenactment.png)
Transcript To: "moss@moss.stanford.edu"
Subject: Moss Register
registeruser mail
Minutes passed and no reply. Another TA told them they should compose in plaintext and that italics were unnecessary. Stanford lied; turns out the message _doesn't_ "appear exactly as follows" after all.