diff options
2 files changed, 146 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/cv.tex b/cv.tex
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index 0000000..7bd974f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cv.tex
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+\documentclass[10.5pt, a4paper]{article}
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+ pdftex,
+ pdfauthor={Yihang Yin},
+ pdftitle={Yihang Yin | 尹奕航},
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+ filecolor=blue,
+ citecolor = black,
+ urlcolor=blue,
+ {\bf\underline{\large{Yihang Yin} | 尹奕航}}
+ \vspace{2ex}
+ tel: 17302166140 |
+ email: \href{}{} |
+ www: \href{}{}
+ \vspace{2ex}
+ 13 March 2023
+\cfoot{\thepage\hspace{1pt} OF \pageref*{LastPage}}
+\title{Yihang Yin | 尹奕航}
+\textbf{Shanghai Jiao Tong University}
+\hfill 2021--present, Shanghai, China
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item University of Michigan Joint Institute (UMJI)
+ \item Major in Electrical and Computer Engineering
+\textbf{No. 2 High School of East China Normal University}
+\hfill 2018--2021, Shanghai, China
+\textbf{Python} \hfill Experienced
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item \href{}{\textbf{JImbrella}}
+ — A proof-of-concept for shared umbrellas in UMJI, powered by Flask and SQLite
+ \item Patched, maintained and operated
+ \href{}{\textbf{VG151 Grader}}
+ while being TA for the course
+ \item \href{}{\textbf{Mastobot}}
+ — Bot framework for the fediverse with Flask-like syntax
+\textbf{Bash} \hfill Experienced
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item I hosted the
+ \href{}{\textbf{bash workshop}}
+ in February and March 2023
+\textbf{Linux} \hfill Experienced
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item Has been my only OS since 2018
+ \item Maintaining a Linux server since 2017
+\textbf{\LaTeX} \hfill Intermediate
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item This resume you are reading
+ \item Beamers for the bash workshop
+\textbf{C} \hfill Intermediate
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item \href{}{\textbf{sirtet}}
+ — Tetris-inspired game in ncurses
+\textbf{HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Web Scraping} \hfill Intermediate
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item \href{}{\textbf{one tøp song}}
+ — Web game of lyrics, finished in multiple sprints totalling to 8 hours
+\textbf{KiCad} \hfill Novice
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item \href{}{\textbf{Bikeblinkers}}
+ — Controlling LEDs with an NE555 on a PCB
+ \item Adequate experience with THT \& SMD soldering
+\textbf{Haskell} \hfill Novice
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item \href{}{\textbf{onecard.hs}}
+ — UNO-inspired VG151 project, ported to Haskell
+\textbf{Teaching Assistant at SJTU-UMJI} \hfill Sept 2022 -- Dec 2022
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item Course: ENGR1510J/VG151,
+ Accelerated Introduction to Computers and Programming
+ \item Instructor: Dr.~Manuel Charlemagne
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item <your publications, bold your name, then italic and hyperlink its title>
+\section{STUDENT WORK}
+\textbf{Director of TechJI} \hfill Aug 2022 -- present
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item Leads volunteer group under the Technical Department
+ of SJTU-UMJI Student Union
+\textbf{Volunteer of TechJI} \hfill Sept 2021 -- Aug 2022
+\textbf{Bass guitar} \hfill since Feb 2023
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item I am into twenty øne piløts, My Chemical Romance and Green Day
+\textbf{Amateur radio} \hfill since Nov 2022
+\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
+ \item Callsign: BH4FXW
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7d26e22..0000000
--- a/cvtemplate.tex
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@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-\usepackage[slantfont, boldfont]{xeCJK}
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- }
-\linespread{1.1}%行距 1
- {\bf\underline{\large{<your name>} (<姓名>)}}\\
- \vspace{2ex}
- tel: (853)-<your tel> | e-mail: \href{mailto:<your email address>}{<your email address>} | web: \href{<your website>}{<your website>}
-\cfoot{\thepage\hspace{1pt} OF \pageref*{LastPage}}
-\setlength{\headheight}{0.5in}%改变数值好像只影响第一页 但加上之后其余页就同步了
-\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
- \item <your skills>
-\textbf{<your degree> \hfill <your school> (<location>)\hfill <date> - <date>}
-\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
- \item \textbf{Major in <your major>} (\textbf{<your GPA>})
- \item Coursework: <your relative courseworks>
- \item <other information>
-\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
- \item <your award>
- \item <date>, <your award>
-% Experiences
-\textbf{Research Assistant \hfill <institute> (<location>) \hfill <date> - <date>}
-\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
- \item Supervisor - \href{<his website>}{Professor <his name>}
- \item <details>
-% \newpage
-% Publications
-\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
- \item <your publications, bold your name, then italic and hyperlink its title>
-\begin{section}{COMMUNITY WORK}
-\textbf{<position> \hfill <institute> (<location>) \hfill <date> - <date>}
-\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
- \item <details>
-\begin{section}{HOBBIES AND INTERESTS}
- \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
- \item <your hobbies>
- \end{itemize}
- \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em]\itemsep -0.5ex
- \item <others>
- \end{itemize}