from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from util import Logger import multiprocessing import requests import zipfile import time import os class JOJWorker(): def __init__(self, args, courseID, sid, hgroups, logger=Logger()): def createSess(cookies): s = requests.Session() s.cookies.update(cookies) return s cookies = { 'JSESSIONID': 'dummy', 'save': '1', 'sid': sid, } self.args = args self.sess = createSess(cookies=cookies) self.courseID = courseID self.hgroups = hgroups self.logger = logger def uploadZip(self, homeworkID, problemID, zipPath, lang): files = { 'code': ('', open(zipPath, 'rb'), 'application/zip'), } postUrl = f'{self.courseID}/homework/{homeworkID}/{problemID}/submit' html = self.sess.get(postUrl).text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="lxml") csrfToken = "#panel > div.main > div > div.medium-9.columns > div:nth-child(2) > div.section__body > form > div:nth-child(3) > div > input[type=hidden]:nth-child(1)" )[0].get('value') response = postUrl, files=files, data={ 'csrf_token': csrfToken, 'lang': lang }, ) return response def getProblemStatus(self, url): soup = None while True: html = self.sess.get(url).text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="lxml") status = "#status > div.section__header > h1 > span:nth-child(2)" )[0].get_text().strip() if status not in ["Waiting", "Compiling", "Fetched", "Running"]: break else: time.sleep(1) if status == "Compile Error": return -1 resultSet = soup.findAll("td", class_="col--status typo") return sum([ "Accepted" == result.find_all('span')[1].get_text().strip() for result in resultSet ]) def getProblemResult(self, homeworkID, problemID, zipPath, lang, groupName='', fn='', hwNum=0): tryTime = 0 while True: tryTime += 1 response = self.uploadZip(homeworkID, problemID, zipPath, lang) if response.status_code == 200: break self.logger.error( f"{groupName} h{hwNum} {fn} upload error, code {response.status_code}, url {response.url}" ) time.sleep(1) self.logger.debug( f"{groupName} h{hwNum} {fn} upload succeed, url {response.url}") return self.getProblemStatus(response.url) def checkGroupJOJProcess(self, groupNum, hwNum, jojInfo, fn, problemID): groupName = f"hgroup-{groupNum:02}" hwDir = os.path.join('hwrepos', groupName, f"h{hwNum}") filePath = os.path.join(hwDir, fn) if not os.path.exists(filePath): self.logger.warning(f"{groupName} h{hwNum} {fn} not exist") return 0 if os.path.exists(filePath + ".zip"): os.remove(filePath + ".zip") with zipfile.ZipFile(filePath + ".zip", mode='w') as zf: zf.write(filePath, fn) res = self.getProblemResult(jojInfo["homeworkID"], problemID, filePath + ".zip", jojInfo["lang"], groupName, fn, hwNum) os.remove(filePath + ".zip") return res def checkGroupJOJ(self, jojInfo): res = {} hwNum = self.args.hw for i, (key, value) in enumerate(self.hgroups.items()): with multiprocessing.Pool(len(jojInfo["problemInfo"])) as p: scores = p.starmap( self.checkGroupJOJProcess, [[i, hwNum, jojInfo, fn, problemID] for fn, problemID, _ in jojInfo["problemInfo"]]) scores = [(scores[i], jojInfo["problemInfo"][i][2]) for i in range(len(scores))]"{key} h{hwNum} score {scores.__repr__()}") jojFailExercise = min( sum([ int(acCount < 0.25 * totalCount) for acCount, totalCount in scores ]), 2) jojFailHomework = int( sum([item[0] for item in scores]) < 0.5 * sum([item[1] for item in scores])) jojFailCompile = int(True in [item[0] == -1 for item in scores]) comments = [] if jojFailHomework + jojFailExercise + jojFailCompile != 0: scoreComments = [ f"{fn}: {scores[i][0]}/{scores[i][1]}" for i, (fn, _, _) in enumerate(jojInfo["problemInfo"]) ] comments = [f"JOJ score: {','.join(scoreComments)}"] for _, stuName in value: res[stuName] = { "jojFailHomework": jojFailHomework, "jojFailExercise": jojFailExercise, "jojFailCompile": jojFailCompile, "jojComment": comments, } return res if __name__ == "__main__": from settings import * res = JOJWorker(JOJ_COURSE_ID, SID).getProblemResult("5f66161a91df0600062ff7aa", "5f6614eb91df0600062ff7a7", "", "matlab") print(res)