#include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_ASM_LINE_LEN 64 #define MAX_INST_LEN 32768 #define MAX_ADDR 32767 #define EXIT_CODE_FILE_ERROR 1 #define EXIT_CODE_ILLEGAL_CHAR 2 #define EXIT_CODE_SIZE_EXCEEDED 3 #define EXIT_CODE_SYNTAX_ERROR 4 #define EXIT_CODE_ADDR_ERROR 5 struct symbol { char *label; int addr; }; char find_illegal_symbol_char(char *symbol) { // symbol should not begin with number // nand2tetris implementation allows it, but the standard says otherwise if (*symbol >= '0' && *symbol <= '9') return *symbol; for (char *c = symbol; *c != '\0'; c++) { if (!((*c >= 'A' && *c <= 'Z') || (*c >= 'a' && *c <= 'z') || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9') || *c == '_' || *c == '.' || *c == '$' || *c == ':') ) { return *c; } } return -1; } void print_symbols(struct symbol *symbols, int cnt) { printf("====== SYMBOLS =====\nlabel\taddr\n"); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { printf("%s\t%d\n", symbols[i].label, symbols[i].addr); } } void print_binary_and_asm(uint16_t *binary, char **asm_lines, int cnt) { printf("\n====== RESULTS =====\naddr\tbinary \tinst\n"); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { char binary_str[17]; binary_str[16] = '\0'; for (int b = 0; b < 16; b++) { binary_str[b] = '0' + (*(binary + i) >> (15 - b)) % 2; } printf("%d\t%s\t%s\n", i, binary_str, asm_lines[i]); } } void write_binary(FILE *file, uint16_t *binary, int cnt) { for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { char binary_str[17]; binary_str[16] = '\0'; for (int b = 0; b < 16; b++) { binary_str[b] = '0' + (*(binary + i) >> (15 - b)) % 2; } fprintf(file, "%s\n", binary_str); } } uint16_t assemble_inst(char *asm_line) { // assemble one line of assembly, terminated with \0 // labels and variables must be replaced with corresponding addresses beforehand uint16_t inst = 0; if (*asm_line == '@') { // A instruction char *addr_str = asm_line + 1; int addr = atoi(addr_str); if (addr < 0 || addr > MAX_ADDR) { fprintf(stderr, "Address out of range: %d\n", addr); exit(EXIT_CODE_ADDR_ERROR); } inst = (uint16_t) addr; } else { // C instruction inst = 0xe000; // set 3 MSBs to 1 char *eq = asm_line; for (char *c = asm_line; *c != '\0'; c++) { // find first equal sign (eq == asm_line if not found) if (*c == '=') { eq = c; break; } } // slice out destination and copy to dest int dest_len = eq - asm_line; char *dest = malloc(dest_len + 1); strncpy(dest, asm_line, dest_len); dest[dest_len] = '\0'; if (dest_len == 0) {} // ignore else if (strcmp(dest, "M") == 0) inst |= 0b001 << 3; else if (strcmp(dest, "D") == 0) inst |= 0b010 << 3; else if (strcmp(dest, "MD") == 0) inst |= 0b011 << 3; else if (strcmp(dest, "A") == 0) inst |= 0b100 << 3; else if (strcmp(dest, "AM") == 0) inst |= 0b101 << 3; else if (strcmp(dest, "AD") == 0) inst |= 0b110 << 3; else if (strcmp(dest, "AMD") == 0) inst |= 0b111 << 3; else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid destination: %s\n", dest); exit(EXIT_CODE_SYNTAX_ERROR); } free(dest); char *semi = eq; for (; *semi != '\0'; semi++) { // find jump instruction after semicolon (;) (*semi == '\0' if not found) if (*semi == ';') break; } // ignore if there's no semicolon, or there's nothing after it if (*semi == '\0' || *(semi + 1) == '\0') {} else if (strcmp(semi + 1, "JGT") == 0) inst |= 0b001; else if (strcmp(semi + 1, "JEQ") == 0) inst |= 0b010; else if (strcmp(semi + 1, "JGE") == 0) inst |= 0b011; else if (strcmp(semi + 1, "JLT") == 0) inst |= 0b100; else if (strcmp(semi + 1, "JNE") == 0) inst |= 0b101; else if (strcmp(semi + 1, "JLE") == 0) inst |= 0b110; else if (strcmp(semi + 1, "JMP") == 0) inst |= 0b111; else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid jump instruction: %s\n", semi + 1); exit(EXIT_CODE_SYNTAX_ERROR); } // slice out computation and copy to comp int comp_len = (*eq == '=') ? (semi - eq - 1) : (semi - eq); char *comp = malloc(comp_len + 1); strncpy(comp, (*eq == '=') ? (eq + 1) : eq, comp_len); comp[comp_len] = '\0'; if (strcmp(comp, "0") == 0) inst |= 0b0101010 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "1") == 0) inst |= 0b0111111 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "-1") == 0) inst |= 0b0111010 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "D") == 0) inst |= 0b0001100 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "A") == 0) inst |= 0b0110000 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "M") == 0) inst |= 0b1110000 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "!D") == 0) inst |= 0b0001101 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "!A") == 0) inst |= 0b0110001 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "!M") == 0) inst |= 0b1110001 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "-D") == 0) inst |= 0b0001111 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "-A") == 0) inst |= 0b0110011 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "-M") == 0) inst |= 0b1110011 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "D+1") == 0) inst |= 0b0011111 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "A+1") == 0) inst |= 0b0110111 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "M+1") == 0) inst |= 0b1110111 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "D-1") == 0) inst |= 0b0001110 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "A-1") == 0) inst |= 0b0110010 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "M-1") == 0) inst |= 0b1110010 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "D+A") == 0 || strcmp(comp, "A+D") == 0) inst |= 0b0000010 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "D+M") == 0 || strcmp(comp, "M+D") == 0) inst |= 0b1000010 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "D-A") == 0) inst |= 0b0010011 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "D-M") == 0) inst |= 0b1010011 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "A-D") == 0) inst |= 0b0000111 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "M-D") == 0) inst |= 0b1000111 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "D&A") == 0 || strcmp(comp, "A&D") == 0) inst |= 0b0000000 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "D&M") == 0 || strcmp(comp, "M&D") == 0) inst |= 0b1000000 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "D|A") == 0 || strcmp(comp, "A|D") == 0) inst |= 0b0010101 << 6; else if (strcmp(comp, "D|M") == 0 || strcmp(comp, "M|D") == 0) inst |= 0b1010101 << 6; else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid computation: %s\n", comp); exit(EXIT_CODE_SYNTAX_ERROR); } free(comp); } return inst; } size_t assembler(char *input_fn, bool verbose) { // open input file FILE *input_file = fopen(input_fn, "r"); if (input_file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open input file: %s\n", input_fn); exit(EXIT_CODE_FILE_ERROR); } // find size of input file fseek(input_file, 0, SEEK_END); size_t file_size = ftell(input_file); fseek(input_file, 0, SEEK_SET); // read input file char *file_content = malloc(file_size); fread(file_content, file_size, 1, input_file); fclose(input_file); // strip away comments, labels, blank lines and whitespace from file_content // resulting in lines of what looks like instructions in assembly but is not necessarily correct // labels in parentheses are assigned corresponding addresses in ROM, then collected in `symbols` // the strings are scattered in the heap but asm_lines collects pointers to them char *asm_lines[MAX_INST_LEN] = {NULL}; int asm_line_cnt = 0; // no. of lines (metaphorically) written into asm_lines char *asm_line = malloc(MAX_ASM_LINE_LEN + 1); // one line of (probably) assembly int asm_char_cnt = 0; // no. of chars written into asm_line struct symbol symbols[MAX_INST_LEN] = { {"SP", 0}, {"LCL", 1}, {"ARG", 2}, {"THIS", 3}, {"THAT", 4}, {"R0", 0}, {"R1", 1}, {"R2", 2}, {"R3", 3}, {"R4", 4}, {"R5", 5}, {"R6", 6}, {"R7", 7}, {"R8", 8}, {"R9", 9}, {"R10", 10}, {"R11", 11}, {"R12", 12}, {"R13", 13}, {"R14", 14}, {"R15", 15}, {"SCREEN", 16384}, {"KBD", 24576}, }; const int predef_symbol_cnt = 23; // no. of predefined symbols int user_symbol_cnt = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < file_size; i++) { switch (file_content[i]) { case '\n': // end of line; try to figure out what's in asm_line if (asm_char_cnt == 0) continue; // skip blank line or comment line *(asm_line + asm_char_cnt) = '\0'; if (*asm_line == '(' && *(asm_line + asm_char_cnt - 1) == ')') { // this line may be a label; extract label from between the parentheses char *label = malloc(asm_char_cnt - 1); strncpy(label, asm_line + 1, asm_char_cnt - 2); free(asm_line); *(label + asm_char_cnt - 2) = '\0'; char illegal_char = find_illegal_symbol_char(label); if (illegal_char != -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal character: %c\n", illegal_char); exit(EXIT_CODE_ILLEGAL_CHAR); } // TODO: error on repeated label symbols[predef_symbol_cnt + user_symbol_cnt] = (struct symbol) {label, asm_line_cnt}; user_symbol_cnt++; } else { // this line may be an instruction; assemble it asm_lines[asm_line_cnt] = asm_line; asm_line_cnt++; } // allocate memory for next line asm_char_cnt = 0; asm_line = malloc(MAX_ASM_LINE_LEN); break; case '/': if (i + 1 < file_size && file_content[i + 1] == '/') { // we encountered a comment // skip to last char of line while (i + 1 < file_size && file_content[i + 1] != '\n') i++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal character: /\n"); exit(EXIT_CODE_ILLEGAL_CHAR); } break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': break; // ignore whitespace and CR default: *(asm_line + asm_char_cnt) = file_content[i]; asm_char_cnt++; if (asm_char_cnt > MAX_ASM_LINE_LEN) { fprintf(stderr, "Max assembly line length (%d) exceeded\n", MAX_ASM_LINE_LEN); exit(EXIT_CODE_SIZE_EXCEEDED); } } } free(asm_line); free(file_content); // find and assign address to variables on the fly int addr = 16; // variable addresses start at 16 for (int i = 0; i < asm_line_cnt; i++) { if (asm_lines[i] == NULL) break; // no more instructions if (*(asm_lines[i]) != '@') continue; // not an A-instruction char *addr_str = malloc(strlen(asm_lines[i])); strcpy(addr_str, asm_lines[i] + 1); // whatever comes after the @ if (strlen(addr_str) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Address cannot be empty\n"); exit(EXIT_CODE_SYNTAX_ERROR); } bool is_symbol = false; for (char *c = addr_str; *c != '\0'; c++) { // search for non-numeric chars in addr_str if (*c < '0' || *c > '9') { is_symbol = true; } } if (!is_symbol) continue; // address is decimal constant char illegal_char = find_illegal_symbol_char(addr_str); if (illegal_char != -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal character: %c\n", illegal_char); exit(EXIT_CODE_ILLEGAL_CHAR); } // search for symbol in list bool found = false; for (int s = 0; s < predef_symbol_cnt + user_symbol_cnt; s++) { if (strcmp(addr_str, symbols[s].label) == 0) { // overwrite asm line with decimal constant sprintf(asm_lines[i], "@%d", symbols[s].addr); found = true; free(addr_str); break; } } if (!found) { // add symbol to list symbols[predef_symbol_cnt + user_symbol_cnt] = (struct symbol) {addr_str, addr}; sprintf(asm_lines[i], "@%d", addr); user_symbol_cnt++; addr++; } } // start assembling uint16_t *binary = calloc(32768, 2); size_t inst_cnt = 0; // current no. of instructions in binary for (char **line = asm_lines; *line != NULL; line++) { *(binary + inst_cnt) = assemble_inst(*line); inst_cnt++; if (inst_cnt > MAX_INST_LEN) { fprintf(stderr, "Max number of instruction (%d) exceeded\n", MAX_INST_LEN); exit(EXIT_CODE_SIZE_EXCEEDED); } } if (verbose) { print_symbols(symbols + predef_symbol_cnt, user_symbol_cnt); print_binary_and_asm(binary, asm_lines, inst_cnt); printf("\n"); } for (char **line = asm_lines; *line != NULL; line++) free(*line); for (int s = predef_symbol_cnt; s < predef_symbol_cnt + user_symbol_cnt; s++) { free(symbols[s].label); } // write binary // output_fn = input_fn[:-4] + ".hack" if input_fn.endswith(".asm") else input_fn + ".hack" int input_fn_len = strlen(input_fn); char *output_fn = malloc(input_fn_len + 6); strcpy(output_fn, input_fn); if (input_fn_len >= 4 && strcmp(input_fn + input_fn_len - 4, ".asm") == 0) { sprintf(output_fn + input_fn_len - 4, ".hack"); } else { sprintf(output_fn + input_fn_len, ".hack"); } FILE *output_file = fopen(output_fn, "w"); if (output_file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open output file: %s\n", output_fn); exit(EXIT_CODE_FILE_ERROR); } write_binary(output_file, binary, inst_cnt); fclose(output_file); free(binary); printf("Binary written to %s\n", output_fn); free(output_fn); return inst_cnt; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *input_fn = NULL; bool verbose = false; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) { printf("Usage: %s [-v]\n-v -- verbose mode\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) { verbose = true; } else { input_fn = argv[i]; } } assembler(input_fn, verbose); return 0; }