// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/MemoryTest/MemoryDiag/MemoryDiag.tst echo "At the end of this test it is normal to see some pixels set on the screen"; load, output-file MemoryDiag.out, compare-to MemoryDiag.cmp, output-list RAM[17000]%D2.6.1 RAM[17001]%D2.6.1 RAM[17002]%D2.6.1 RAM[17003]%D2.6.1 RAM[17004]%D2.6.1 RAM[17005]%D2.6.1 RAM[17006]%D2.6.1 RAM[17007]%D2.6.1 RAM[17008]%D2.6.1; repeat 1000000 { vmstep; } output;