@echo off rem $Id: JackCompiler.bat,v 1.2 2014/05/10 00:52:43 marka Exp $ rem mark.armbrust@pobox.com setlocal if not "%2"=="" goto :USAGE if "%~1"=="/?" ( :USAGE echo Usage: echo JackCompiler Compiles all .jack files in the current echo working directory. echo JackCompiler DIRECTORY Compiles all .jack files in DIRECTORY. echo JackCompiler FILE.jack Compiles FILE.jack to FILE.vm. exit -b ) if not "%~1"=="" ( set "_arg1=%~f1" ) else ( set "_arg1=%CD%" ) pushd "%~dp0" echo Compiling "%_arg1%" java -classpath "%CLASSPATH%;bin/classes;bin/lib/Hack.jar;bin/lib/Compilers.jar" ^ Hack.Compiler.JackCompiler "%_arg1%" popd