@echo off rem $Id: TextComparer.bat,v 1.2 2014/05/10 00:52:43 marka Exp $ rem mark.armbrust@pobox.com setlocal if not "%3"=="" goto :USAGE if "%1"=="/?" goto :USAGE if not "%~1"=="" ( set "_arg1=%~f1" ) if not "%~2"=="" ( set "_arg2=%~f2" ) pushd "%~dp0" if NOT "%~1"=="" ( if NOT "%~2"=="" ( java -classpath "%CLASSPATH%;bin/classes" TextComparer ^ "%_arg1%" "%_arg2%" popd exit /B ) ) :USAGE echo Usage: echo TextComparer FILE1 FILE2 Compares FILE1 and FILE2. The success echo message or the first miscompared line echo is printed to the command console. popd