const wordElem = document.querySelector("#word"); const inputElem = document.querySelector("#input"); const candidateListElem = document.querySelector("#candidate-list"); const candidateContainerElem = document.querySelector("#candidate-container"); const reportElem = document.querySelector("#report") const nextElem = document.querySelector("#next"); const hintElem = document.querySelector("#hint"); const showAnswerElem = document.querySelector("#show-answer"); const answerElem = document.querySelector("#answer"); const albumElem = document.querySelector("#album"); const trackElem = document.querySelector("#track"); const linesElem = document.querySelector("#lines"); let currentWord = {}; let hintsLeft = 2; let songsPicked = 0; function newWord() { if (WORDS.length == 0) { // what the hell // why would anyone click Next a thousand times wordElem.innerHTML = "There are no more words." return; } if (songsPicked && songsPicked % 50 == 0) { alert(`You have played this ${songsPicked} times. Consider taking a rest?`); } const idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * WORDS.length); currentWord = WORDS[idx]; WORDS.splice(idx, 1); // remove word from WORDS so it will not show again for (let album in ALBUMS) { if (ALBUMS[album].tracks.includes(currentWord.track)) { currentWord.album = album; } } wordElem.innerHTML = currentWord.word; hintsLeft = 2; hintElem.innerHTML = "Hint (2)"; // clean after the mess for (let elem of [inputElem, nextElem, hintElem, showAnswerElem]) { elem.disabled = false; } for (let elem of [candidateContainerElem, reportElem, answerElem]) { elem.hidden = true; } for (let elem of [candidateListElem, reportElem, albumElem, trackElem, linesElem]) { elem.innerHTML = ""; } inputElem.focus(); } function acronymOf(track) { // special case if (track.toLowerCase() === "heavydirtysoul") { return "hds"; } let acronym = ""; for (let word of track.split(" ")) { acronym += word[0].toLowerCase(); } return acronym; } function makeCandidate(track, album) { /* * * * Track Title * */ const candidate = document.createElement("tr"); candidate.setAttribute("class", "candidate"); candidate.addEventListener("click", pickSong); const albumCoverCell = document.createElement("td"); const albumCover = document.createElement("img"); albumCover.setAttribute("class", "album-cover"); albumCover.setAttribute("src", album.cover); albumCoverCell.appendChild(albumCover); const trackTitleCell = document.createElement("td"); const trackTitle = document.createElement("span"); trackTitle.innerHTML = track; trackTitleCell.appendChild(trackTitle); candidate.appendChild(albumCoverCell); candidate.appendChild(trackTitleCell); return candidate; } inputElem.oninput = () => { // clear candidates candidateContainerElem.hidden = true; candidateListElem.innerHTML = ""; const input = inputElem.value.toLowerCase(); if (!input) { return; } let candidates = []; for (let albumTitle in ALBUMS) { album = ALBUMS[albumTitle]; for (let track of album.tracks) { if (acronymOf(track).startsWith(input)) { candidates.unshift(makeCandidate(track, album)); } else if (track.toLowerCase().startsWith(input)) { candidates.push(makeCandidate(track, album)); } } } // display candidates if they exist and don't take forever to scroll if (candidates.length > 0 && candidates.length <= 5) { for (let candidate of candidates) { candidateListElem.appendChild(candidate); } candidateContainerElem.hidden = false; } } inputElem.onkeyup = (event) => { if (event.key == "Enter") { pickSong(); // no arguments passed, pick first option } } function pickSong(event) { const candidate = event ? event.currentTarget : candidateListElem.firstChild; const trackTitleElem = candidate.querySelector("span"); if (trackTitleElem.innerText === currentWord.track) { // the guess is correct reportElem.innerHTML = "Correct!"; = "#7faa55"; for (let elem of [inputElem, hintElem, showAnswerElem]) { elem.disabled = true; } showAnswer(); nextElem.focus(); } else { if (hintsLeft > 0) { reportElem.innerHTML = "Sorry, not this song :)
Try a hint?"; } else { reportElem.innerHTML = "Not this oneā€¦"; } = "#aa5555"; } inputElem.value = ""; reportElem.hidden = false; songsPicked++; } function hint() { if (hintsLeft == 0) { return; } answerElem.hidden = false; if (hintsLeft == 2) { // reveal album title albumElem.innerHTML = currentWord.album; } else if (hintsLeft == 1) { // reveal part of a line surrounding the word // thanks for the idea, u/Tarnoo const lines = currentWord.lines; const randLine = lines[Math.floor(Math.random() * lines.length)]; const wordsInLine = randLine.split(" "); // normalize line and word, then locate word const normWordsInLine = randLine.toLowerCase().replace(/[,\.\"\?!]/g, "").split(" "); const wordIdx = normWordsInLine.indexOf(currentWord.word.toLowerCase()); let hint = ""; wordsInLine.forEach((word, idx) => { if (Math.abs(idx - wordIdx) <= 1) { hint += word; } else { hint += "_".repeat(word.length); } hint += " "; }); linesElem.innerHTML = hint; hintElem.disabled = true; } hintsLeft--; hintElem.innerHTML = `Hint (${hintsLeft})`; } function showAnswer() { answerElem.hidden = false; albumElem.innerHTML = currentWord.album; trackElem.innerHTML = currentWord.track; linesElem.innerHTML = currentWord.lines.join("
"); hintElem.disabled = true; } window.onload = newWord; nextElem.onclick = newWord; hintElem.onclick = hint; showAnswerElem.onclick = showAnswer;