module Game where import Data.Char (isDigit) import Control.Monad (when) import System.Random (RandomGen) import Player (Player, shed, draw) import qualified Player as P import Card (Card(..)) import qualified Card as C data Game = Game { players :: [Player] , playerIdx :: Int , attack :: Int , direction :: Int -- ^ 1 when CCW, -1 when CW , stockPile :: [Card] , discardPile :: [Card] } -- | Begin new round of game. beginRounds :: Int -> Game -> IO Game beginRounds n game = do if n == 0 then return game else do game' <- beginTurn game beginRounds (n - 1) game' -- | Let current player take their turn. beginTurn :: Game -> IO Game beginTurn game@(Game plyrs pidx att dir stock disc) = do putStrLn $ replicate 80 '-' putStrLn $ "Current attack: " ++ show att decision <- prompt game let player = plyrs !! pidx game'@(Game _ pidx' _ _ _ _) <- case decision of Nothing -> drawAndSkip game Just card -> shedAndContinue card game if pidx' == pidx -- shedAndContinue does this when player wins then return game' else beginTurn game' -- | Game state after player draws card(s) and skips turn. drawAndSkip :: Game -> IO Game drawAndSkip game@(Game plyrs pidx att dir stock disc) = do let player = plyrs !! pidx let player' = player `draw` (take att stock) let plyrs' = P.update plyrs pidx player' let pidx' = (pidx + dir) `mod` length plyrs let stock' = drop att stock putStrLn $ ( player) ++ " draws " ++ (C.showCards $ take att stock) return $ Game plyrs' pidx' 1 dir stock' disc -- | Game state after player sheds card. shedAndContinue :: Card -> Game -> IO Game shedAndContinue card game@(Game plyrs pidx att dir stock disc) = do let player = plyrs !! pidx let player' = player `shed` card let disc' = card:disc let plyrs' = P.update plyrs pidx player' let dir' = case card of Card _ C.Queen -> negate dir _ -> dir let pidx' = if null $ player' then pidx -- round ends else case card of Card _ C.Jack -> (pidx + 2 * dir') `mod` length plyrs _ -> (pidx + dir') `mod` length plyrs let att' = case card of Card _ C.Two -> if att == 1 then 2 else att + 2 Card _ C.Three -> if att == 1 then 3 else att + 3 _ -> 1 putStrLn $ ( player) ++ " plays " ++ (C.showCard card) return $ Game plyrs' pidx' att' dir' stock disc' -- | Prompt player to play a card (or draw card and skip turn). prompt :: Game -> IO (Maybe Card) prompt game@(Game plyrs pidx att _ _ _) = do let player = plyrs !! pidx let cards = player putStrLn $ player ++ "'s turn (input 0 to skip turn and draw card)" putStrLn $ P.showCards player cardIdxStr <- getLine if any (== False) $ map isDigit cardIdxStr then do putStrLn "Please input card #" prompt game else do let cardIdx = read cardIdxStr - 1 if cardIdx == -1 then do return Nothing else do if cardIdx < 0 || cardIdx >= length cards then do putStrLn "This card does not exist, try again" prompt game else return $ Just (cards !! cardIdx) -- | Deal c cards to each player in game. dealCards :: Int -> Game -> Game dealCards c game@(Game plyrs _ _ _ stock disc) | (length $ $ head plyrs) < c = dealCards c game { players = newPlyrs, stockPile = newStock } | otherwise = game where newPlyrs = giveOneCardEach stock plyrs newStock = drop c stock giveOneCardEach = zipWith (\card player -> player { = card:( player) })