path: root/docs/ta/
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+# VG151 — Funny Shit
+Being a TA is mostly pain, but occasionally you get comedy as a side
+effect: newbie questions that make no sense, hilarious program behavior,
+creative approaches to a problem, you name it. Every time I see one, I'll
+post it here.
+All screenshots and conversations are anonymized. If you see yourself in
+this blogpost, please don't take it personally. These funny stories are
+TAs' primary source of amusement. Please let us have them. Oh, and the
+"shit" in this post's title is by no means derogatory.
+If you feel extremely uncomfortable with any entry below, please send
+email to `<fkfd at fkfd dot me>`.
+## 2022-09-13, Lab 0
+![They are adding an SSH key but the key they entered is "ssh-keygen -t
+ed25519 -C"](img/vg151_funny_shit/ssh-keygen.png)
+This is a reenactment of a screenshot they sent me to troubleshoot.
+## 2022-09-15, group chat
+Someone asked if the compiler they need to install was VSCode. One TA
+corrected them that VSCode is an IDE. Another TA corrected that TA because
+VSCode is technically a text editor, and Visual Studio is an example of an
+_slow down we'll be getting there_
+## 2022-09-22, TA group chat
+One of our TAs decided to get a Moss account. The
+[website]( says:
+<p>To obtain a Moss account, send a mail message to
+The body of the message should appear exactly as follows:</p>
+mail <i>username@domain</i></p>
+<p>where the last bit in italics is your email address.</p>
+Well, here my colleague goes (reenactment):
+To: ""<br/>
+Subject: Moss Register<br/>
+mail <i></i>
+Minutes passed and no reply. Another TA told them they should compose in
+plaintext and that italics were unnecessary. Stanford lied; turns out the
+message _doesn't_ "appear exactly as follows" after all.
+## 2022-09-24, Gitea
+![User with Jiang Zemin avatar closed a PR](img/vg151_funny_shit/jiang_avi.png)
+AH, nothing like seeing a user on gitea with a pfp of a distinguished
+alumnus of ours.
+## 2022-09-25, DM
+> Will you teach us how to finish the project step by step?
+My reply was:
+> of course
+and 10 seconds later:
+> not
+## 2022-09-27, Lab 2
+![Zoom chatbox. Message reads "TA I needed to go for a nuclear acid
+P… pretty sure it's called a nucleic acid test? \*Ground rumbles\* \*Hears
+the word "Chernobyl" in the distance\*
+## 2022-09-27, teaching team channel
+One student reached out to ask this question (paraphrased):
+> Can I use other languages than MATLAB for project 1?
+Their rationale is, they thought the project description document we
+handed them didn't specify which language (spoiler: it did), so they
+assumed they could use any.
+Well _in theory_ you could write the project in Python with matplotlib. Or
+in C/C++ with OpenGL. But… better not talk about it.
+(See followup below)
+## 2022-09-30, Gitea
+On 16:54 it came to my attention while `git pull`ing all the students'
+homework repos that one branch was 108.26MiB in size. When uncompressed,
+it grew to 831.3MiB. It should not be larger than 1MiB.
+I smell fuckup fumes from a distance away. Upon close examination, they
+pushed their project code, which should have been strictly kept personal.
+Worse, there are two versions. Worse, neither is in Matlab, but in C++.
+Worse, one of them is built on Qt. Worse, they were written with Visual
+Studio. Worse, they pushed all the vsidx, vcxproj, ipch and all kinds of
+Manuel predicted that students will do all sorts of stupid things, going
+as far as considering git lfs. Real conversation:
+> TA: will lfs be used in this course?
+> Manuel: it should not but we never know what they will push by mistake…
+Murphy's law worked. Apart from this VS atrocity, students were pushing:
+- tarballs / zip files they should be submitting to the OJ
+- batch file automating tar
+- pdf
+- symlinks to the pdf
+- a CC BY 4.0 International license
+## 2022-10-01 to 2022-10-02, Canvas (and everywhere else)
+Right past midnight, as the calendar flips to 2022-10-01, I began grading
+all freshmen's homework 1 with a Python script inherited from past TAs.
+The script got a few hiccups, because:
+- I misconfigured the # number of OJ test cases
+- OJ server constantly crashes
+- Students' first name on Gitea is capitalized but not on Canvas
+- Off-by-one bug produces non-existent group, hgroup-00
+It took me more than an hour to fix them. At 01:47, I finally released
+freshmen's first homework grade. It was disastrous. By tradition we gave
+them one day to fix mistakes they've made, and the next midnight I re-ran
+the script. Signs of improvement are showing, but there still remains four
+groups who got a full deduction (-2.5).
+Naturally, my inbox was flooded with complaints and questions (around 25),
+especially from these four groups. When I woke up, I decided to
+- Group A: Named their README file `README .md`
+- Group B: Named their README file `README(ex1).md`
+- Group C: Pushed to master but forgot to release
+- Group D: Not enough teammates to approve PR
+Considering A and B made understandable freshman mistakes, C had
+a technical problem as explained by team member, and D actually did
+contact us beforehand, I negotiated a partial refund with Manuel.
+## 2022-10-08, JOJ
+While a fellow TA was developing a JOJ integration plugin for VSCode, they
+discovered that they could submit Python code to a Matlab exercise, and,
+better yet, pass all test cases by mimicking the "MATLAB is selecting
+SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering" splash text.
+They said it only works if the file is named `` and uploaded via
+handcrafted HTTP POST requests, not the website.
+The maintainer of JOJ claims, allegedly, that they had zero fucking idea
+about it.
+## 2022-10-11, Mattermost
+We have an integration that posts all PRs from Gitea to MM. However, there
+are two problems with text rendering:
+- HTML is not unescaped inside `<code>`
+- Emoticons are converted to emoji, even when it shouldn't be one
+Enjoy whatever this is:
+<details markdown="1">
+FOCS Gitea (BOT) 20:16
+\[ENGR151-22/hgroup-REDACTED\] Pull request opened: #14 h3-REDACTED by REDACTED
+ #14 h3-REDACTED
+\# Homework ❤\>
+This part is only for indivudal submission. Delete it for the group submission.
+Replace all elements between `&lt; &gt;` by appropriate values. To tick a box
+change `- [ ]` into `- [x]`.
+\## Overview
+Exercises completed: <1,2,3,4,5,6>
+## 2022-11-09, East Middle Hall
+A freshman asked me to arrange an office hour for their project 2, so
+I did. Context: project 2 is an Uno spinoff but with regular poker cards.
+I checked their code. First thing I saw was `struct Puke`. I asked them
+what it was. It was pinyin transliteration for "Poker". I tried to explain
+"Puke" means "to vomit" in English. They didn't care. 🤷
+## 2022-11-19, some conference room
+We were about to deliver a recitation class for the midterm, and my
+colleague put on Minami-ke music (in case you didn't know, the three
+sisters from [Minami-ke]( are
+recurring characters in the VG151 lore.
+![Playlist titled "Minami-ke OP/ED"](img/vg151_funny_shit/minamike.png)
+## 2022-12-15, Mattermost
+We were about to hold the final exam the next day, and since it was
+online, we decided that Canvas quizzes are the way to go. I clicked into
+one they were working on, clicked Edit then Cancel, but a heads-up told me
+the quiz was deleted. I was like "I done fucked up". Quickly I admitted my
+mistake to my colleagues.
+![Chat dialogue](img/vg151_funny_shit/deleted_quiz.png)
+<details markdown="1">
+Me: @TA-redacted um, this is gonna be really awkward, but I accidentally
+deleted the quiz
+Me: idk how it happened all i did was poke around
+TA-redacted: no, i [sic] deletes it
+Me: bruh
+(there was a ROFL emoji reaction below my first message.)
+## 2022-12-16, dorm
+I was grading project 2 late at night and saw this monstrosity.
+![Screenful of code, hardly any linebreaks](img/vg151_funny_shit/p2_code.png)
+clang-format to the rescue.
+## 2022-12-18, dorm
+Still grading project 2, but this one made me chuckle.
+![Part of a C source file](img/vg151_funny_shit/target_os_iphone.png)
+<details markdown="1">
+//----------------Apple OS-------------
+#elif __APPLE__
+#if defined(TARGET_OS_OSX)
+// MacOS
+// IOS
+// other APPLE os
+For context, our project was meant to run on computers in the terminal.